Did you knew that in the summer, when the temperatures go crazy, the favorite drink of Gods from Mount Olympus is lemonade? Ok, I agree.. I know the stories with nectar and ambrosia, but I wanted to adjust to summer sunny days, so looong and scorching!
The secret of the tastiest lemonade juice in the world lies in proportions: a part of honey (because it is cool to be eco, and you need some coolness as mentioned), one part of water and another of lemon juice.
In addition to the rich source of vitamin C, a glass of lemonade before a meeting or an important call is a true source of energy. Not to mention that when your teeth set on edge, it is a source of amusement for your colleagues, and, I hope of inspiration.
I would advice you to use proportions in your daily life as well. Do you remember what I told you about Pareto’s principle? One good measure seems to be 20% and 80%!
You will win for sure when you keep in mind the initial plan of action, starting right when you get out of bed.
With a glass of lemonade in my hand, I invite you to have a glass of talks with me, through this summerish newsletter
Elena & Dreams come TRUE
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