any famous people build up monuments from the rocks critics throw at them. They give personality to courage into action.
You are responsible for creating, accepting or promoting anything that happens in your life. This is good, because it means that you are in control and you can change the situation if that is what you wish to do.
You are your own scenarist, producer and stage director, and only a character in other people’s plays. The best teams know this and expect integrity from the player’s behalf.
The greatest players take care of their game no matter what happens. We are alone together.
Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life. Herbert Otto
- Top-executives and managers who already have remarkable results and go through changes and challenges at individual or organizational levels;
- People in management positions with a high degree of responsibility, willing to develop their career and to take a positive salt in order to accelerate their evolution;
- Those wanting to enhance some of their specific qualities: of leadership, focus on results, communication, creativity, planning, performance evaluation and, without a doubt celebrating achievement.
You have an authentic top manager:
- Creates a true leader, who knows how to motivate his team and to how to be an example for those around him;
- Develops an effective business man, who doesn’t hide in an office because he understand that business means: self-knowledge and human connection;
- Enhances a very good man of words, who is able to talk and listen carefully and sincerely to his colleagues;
- Exceptional in whatever his job is all about.
For the sake of your business you learn to:
- Supervise and act accordingly to the needs of your business, because this is how results are obtained;
- Adapt to ever changing working conditions and growing competition;
- Determine the right course of action when things emerge, not when they explode uncontrollably;
- Create and maintain the relation with those around you, developing the capacity to be yourself cooperating with everybody;
- Take difficult decisions and do what there needs to be done being sincere and authentic in your thinking, strategies and actions;
- Renegotiate implicit and explicit agreements with you or others;
- Become personally responsible for the results of the company you work for.
- They are real and solid business results, clear and measurable;
- It defines the personal objectives executives have;
- Bring in solutions in creating cohesion in and in-between the team of the company;
- Gives a clear action plan in order to continue the evolution of your career.
The individual Executive Coaching Sessions Pack includes:
- 12 face-to-face, phone or Skype coaching sessions, each lasting 60 minutes.
- E-mail support in between the sessions.
- Feedback / homework from one session to another.
- At the end of the program, when you have new goals to accomplish, you can continue to receive these coaching benefits through individual sessions, for as long as you need.
- The sessions are being held at the clients office and are available in Romanian and English.
- The first session – strategy coaching – is PRO BONO.
Schedule now the first free session by clicking on the “Contact” button from above.
We can synchronize our agendas in no time 🙂 Schedule a meeting by following the steps from HERE.
We are one phone call or e-mail click away 🙂
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