Hello & a wonderful day ahead,
Autumn is here with all of her golden glory. NOW is the perfect time to harvest the dreams you nurtured during the challenging Summer that just ended.September has lots of symbols, and each one of them, in my mind at least are reaching out for productivity and a state of well being. To be honest all the excitement that fills in the air, no matter your location, is similar to the moment just before the start of school. There was the emotion of a new stage in the coaching of my mind, and it was really exiting.
Today, years later, I observe how that emotion stick in working environments like mine or like yours, with Business Coaching for action and authentic results.
Just like in the story The Grasshopper and the Ant we now make our supplies in order to have a beautiful winter. This is why, when using Business Coaching you ensure that in the winter time you’ll have real nice surprises.
Join me on a short break and read out some inspiring ideas of a Autumn and Fruitful Newsletter
Elena & Dreams come TRUE
Mind over matter
As the Romanian writer Caragiale claimed through the voice of one of his characters in the play “A Lost Letter”: Catavencu After secular fights that lasted 30 years, behold our dream come true!
…you started working at your current work place? The emotions, the enthusiasm, the adventures…
Maybe the enthusiasm has change a little, but the cheers still feels great, only if you have the courage to go on stage.
…read more!
Executive Coaching. We believe that it is essential to keep a clear focus on things that are important for you. A coach is there for you, helping and supporting, while YOU are the one expressing the change, in your own rhythm.
Dreams come TRUE Coaching by Elena Capruciu has the objective of helping you become aware of your strenghts and understand the areas you need to improve.
Click here to find out how the Executive Coaching Program held by Elena Căpruciu will help you really make your dreams come true, being better at what you do, having great results and reach the level of excelence all time.
Meetings on a silent mood
And YES, there are wonderful meetings, when people communicate, listen to each other… and the most important trait I would say, they respect one another. The length of such meetings is related to the objectives set forward and the desire to stay solution focused oriented, rather than wasting time on unproductive excuses.
… read more!
The decisions you take
Are worthy of a king: they could bring in prosperity for the kingdom, or they could give birth to conflicts and wars. I know, your life does not compare to a kings life, but the decisions you take, in your case should weight under the same responsability level…. read more!
The colors of the rainbow
Culorile curcubeului sunt culorilefericirii sufletului. Atunci cand iti merge bine, peste tot unde te-ai duce, e semn clar ca ai invatat sa te joci cu aceste culori, si in lipsa ploii. Ele stau si in atitudinea pe care o porti inca de cand te trezesti..
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