Hello, hello 🙂
Another month, day, second out of life have passed by. Have you done something that really matters?
I for sure tried to do all my best. This is how I came up with the new subjects, on which I invite you to meditate, meaning:
-> the most complex tehnologies are actually inspired from the life of the most simple beings of them all, like the butterflies.
-> what really does matter makes the true difference in the grammar of life: to be vs to have & to do.
-> the roles we play daily are not so much about improvisation, but actually are about being present in life.
This entire story called life is a continuous event of meeting people that guide us, or who we end up guiding, of situations that challenge us and of wonderful moments when we understand that our dreams have come true.
You as well can benefit of everything said before, just if you act wisely like the hero of the story you are.
With lots of courage we go forward,
Your trust worthy helpers