The Patience

When I was young, my grandmother brought home mountains of watermelons for which she had worked hard all summer. The most delicious seeds were stored in properly labeled newspapers or boxes.

When I asked her why she collected the seeds, she told me that it would be fruitful next summer. I was too young to understand what he was referring to, so my aunt told me it was magic, so we had watermelons the next summer as well.

Now … I did not understand how magic works without a hat and a magician’s wand, as I had seen in cartoons. But I knew there was something in the middle … so I was taking care to collect my favorite watermelon seeds.

Seeds of good quality ….
Fruitfulness and pleasing results …
How one could harvest thoughts of good quality?

Actually, this is not such an absurd idea. Our mind is constantly active, from the way we relate externally to what we dream of. There are many thoughts. Those receiving attention, even involuntarily, become the reality of tomorrow. That’s why some people say things that are hard to imagine are possible. It’s all in the power of thought.

You can imagine how many achievements good quality thoughts can trigger. For example, becoming possible to integrate into a difficult social environment. Or having to smile so much that you could not even imagine your life in its absence.

Good quality thoughts have helped me to meet some vision boards I created for myself. They, and the patience that came with them. Practically, good quality thoughts have always made me look in the direction of things that make me happy. Naturally, I started heading in that direction.

I walk. That means I am doing things step by step.
I rest when it’s the case.
I find an umbrella or a roof when it’s raining, and many other resources when I’m in trouble.
Nevertheless, good quality thoughts help me to advance.

They don’t last as well as melon seeds, by conserving them in recipients. They need to be constantly cared for, and the results will come in no time. All being patient.

**Photo Credit:
Watermelon by
Seeds becoming plants by Iulian Pana