Do more of this: be encouraging

Up until now I came to value the act of encouragement.

There were many times when I did not realize that a kind (and sincere) word - an encouragement - could be the fuel to reach a goal. It really has the power to (re)give me the energy I lack in following a dream of great importance to me.

As every other being, I learned the practice of encouraging long before the theory of it. This happened when as a baby I started walking by falling down many times. Every time, I was encouraged to keep on getting up till I mamanged to keep my balance. Today I am confident that I can go to wonderful places whenever I set my mind on it.

Later in my early childhood, I was free to explore the world while singing to the lady bugs that came to rest on my hand. With an analizing mind, I think that letting someone filter the data input he/she receives in order to take simple decisions is another type of encouragement.

I was fortunate to have teachers that were great in their profession. Everytime I think about the lessons they gave me, I can see how they encouraged me to be myself, as better as I could at that point.

Somewhere in my dialogue with my teachers there was a trace of encouragement. Sometimes it was a gesture, other times a mark to make me act more ambitiously. They shared part of their life to give a personal example and also they said: „I believe in you” when this is what I needed to hear.

On the long run everything matters. And it is good to keep out the exaggerations.

i have a few years now since it became clear to me that encouraging is not a magic trick or a delusion, rather it gets to be ones beautiful reality. For me, encouraging is a box full of resources. When I get to be the person to encourage others I simply find joy in the uniqueness that describe human beings.

A person who feels encouraged (not necessarily knowing this) is a person that express a contagious joy: the one of being where you are meant to be, on your own way.

Just…encourage… starting early in the morning and not even thinking to stop if the sun has gone. After a while, write to me and let me know what other life secrets you reveal.

**Photo Credit: The child by Alexander Dummer
Good vibes by Ashley Whitlatch
Birdhouse by Lubomirkin