When looking for lost dreams

Close your eyes if you don’t want to see how time passes by. It is the simplest way to live, but it is also the most expensive of them all. Can you afford it?

What are we talking about? About the general disability to get out from the airless space we got used to live in… or about the courage to free ourselves taking our goals all the way up.

I keep hearing these words a very dear friend of mine once said. It was on a day when you could play with 3 ice cubes in a glass with fresh lemonade. I was all in on what he was saying, and all of a sudden … BAM: “We respect to much the ungrateful life in which we feel comfortable to be”.

Wait a second. Reward. Yep. That is what he said… to much respect… I heard him well. And you want to know something? He was sort of right. Don’t you agree?

Well, when you become aware of the meaning of this phrase with “respect…” at the beginning and “my life” before the dot you have but 2 options to move on. A white one and a black one; whatever you choose, just one of them is the background to support the colors in your life. The colors intensity, vivacity and quality is up to you, but then again this is another story.

Getting back to those 2 options you have left, I would like to reassure you that is simple logic:

You can choose to sit down somewhere with your head in your hands and start feeling sorry for yourself: ohhh, I lack for what I wish for; I have a job I do not like, but it gives me the financial means to get by; I have and I do not have… at the end of the day happiness is far away.

Or, you could start changing the situation. You are allowed to be a rebel if that helps at all, or to treat yourself if this was the problem or, even more, to become a miracle worker :)

If you need any help at all… here I am, ready to make your dreams really come true, even the wildest ones locked away somewhere in your heart!