ach seemingly separate part of a whole is potentially dangerous (and generally useless), it doesn’t work in harmony. When you cooperate and look for signs of unity, you start to see and feel the connections between all things.
Since you live as part of a whole, notice how you start to feel a connection between your life and the place where you work. Notice it in all its aspects, instead of embracing the separation preferred by your ego state of being.
Recognize yourself in every person you meet, in people around you … the more you do this, the more you will want to stay in a cooperation state, rather than in a competition.
Practicing this way of being, you will soon find a sense of accomplishment that has eluded you so far. You know, it is related to the feeling of belonging to a whole, that you just start enjoying.
- Those who understand that: „A thousand mile journey begins with one step.”
- Those willing to discover the recipe of success so that they would not take over the entire task and do it all by themselves, but they would know how to control problems before they emerge.
- Those who train to become careful observers, in harmony with themselves and with others. By developing the predictive power, they can foresee an argument; mentally destroy it, all this in a split of a second. Then they could neutralize the negative energy that would have been triggered if the dispute was allowed to take place.
- Those who choose to behave in such a manner not to provoke disputes, as probably they did before. They would become the one to prevent any disputes.
- You become a master of anticipation, completely able to prevent the problems to cluster on your head, long before they came to manifest into reality.
- You receive the basic tools you would need: to know how to order things and how to understand them. These are two types of creativity called imagination and problem solving.
Capture a moment when you’re about to invoke a rule as a reason to say „no” to somebody, who might be your colleague or your superior. Instead of doing this, think about what would the consequences be if you did not say anything and you would be pleased only to observe.
When you will change the way you relate to your leadership role, you will find out that there are few things necessary for people to mind their own lives accordingly.
People know exactly what they want to do, which their limits are and how to make their dreams come true. Be patient with others, enjoying the fact that your leadership style, non-authoritarian, inspires others to be themselves.
The individual or group Corporate Coaching Sessions Pack includes:
- 12 group / individual coaching sessions, each lasting 180 / 60 minutes.
- E-mail support in between the sessions.
- Feedback / homework from one session to another.
- At the end of the program, when you have new goals to accomplish, you can continue to receive these coaching benefits through individual or group sessions, for as long as you need.
- The sessions are being held at the clients office and are available in Romanian and English.
- The first session – strategy coaching – is PRO BONO.
Schedule now the first free session by clicking on “Contact” tab from above
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