Archive for September 2nd, 2024

Newly Hired

Blog Business CoachingPublished September 2, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments

Do you remember all the hopes that you used to have? All the promises that you did to yourself? What about the commitments and the energy that you used to have at every step that you did in your life? Maybe it was not the perfect position that you were dreaming about it, all the
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Do you know how much your decisions are worth?

Blog Business Coaching NewsPublished September 2, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments

The life at the royal house is tough. You may have the impression that the prince is raised in a crystal bowl, and he deserves everything and everybody is obedient to him. Yet, it comes a day when that prince becomes a king, and his shoulders become the pillars of the supreme responsibility. The decisions
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Life in rainbow colors

Blog Business CoachingPublished September 2, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments

ROGVAIV is the magical formula. In fact, we can say that is a chemical mixture, combined with lots of wonder and magical staff, n’est-ce pas? They are only 7 wonder colors which are flooding us. You can see them in the raindrops, in the multicolored reflections of the same world, and sometimes with a little
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Mind over matter

Blog Business Coaching NewsPublished September 2, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments

The other day a thought crossed my mind: how complicated seems to be the world of justice. As the Romanian writer Caragiale claimed through the voice of one of his characters in the play “A lost letter”: Catavencu (very dizzy, at least coherent, but emphasing the group of words): My brothers! (everyone in the room
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Meetings on a silent mood

Blog Business Coaching NewsPublished September 2, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments

I am positive that you are familiar with that feeling of the “calm before the storm” when something really important is due to happen. Even though there is an entire theory regarding this state of mind I will not give it to discussion in the following. I know that you have knowledge on the cultural
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