Mind over matter
Blog Business Coaching NewsPublished September 2, 2023 at %I:%M %p No CommentsThe other day a thought crossed my mind: how complicated seems to be the world of justice. As the Romanian writer Caragiale claimed through the voice of one of his characters in the play “A lost letter”:
Catavencu (very dizzy, at least coherent, but emphasing the group of words): My brothers! (everyone in the room face him to listen) After secular fights that lasted 30 years, our dream has come true! What were we not long ago, before Crimea? We have fought and we have progressed: yesterday obscurity, today light! Yesterday bigotry, today freedom! Yesterday sadness, today happiness!… these are the advantages of progress! Behold the benefits of a constitutional system!
What is fair in the passion for progress, when some results appear from the mercy of the destiny and not from the strategy of life?
Did you know that the lower productivity of a person is caused in principal, due to the self-saboteurs, which are cultivated in ourselves without even knowing? Basically is about that moment when you don’t realize which are the reasons that don’t allow you to reach your settled objectives.
I got the point, you take your job, because monthly, your debts are following you, your bills and your frige also is pushing you towards shopping as well. Maybe you had the courage to follow the lead of some decisions that made you achieve your dream job.
Still, sometimes you have the feeling that all the world is against you, or misunderstood, or not at all supported. Or you feel like people are jealous on you, or better said have a specific kind of “appreciation” towards you.
What if, instead of searching for thousands of reasons to conserve your inert will, will you be willing to do something really extravagant? I was thinking that is more funny to put your mind at work, to be able to enjoy, indeed, then each moment of your life.
When Mrs. Laziness comes to pay us a visit, and is not leaving away, it’s quite hard, indeed, to put your mind at work.
Look, a lawyer will not be embarrassed by some false accusations. Nevertheless, he will turn the truth, on all possible faces, for building his final assertion. So, you can do it the some way. Leave away the reasons and increase the rate of your actions.
Should we embrace the progress? Well, in this case, we greet -passing-by - all the excuses, and we are embarking on the Great Path, hand-in hand with Initiative, Courage and Action.