Newly Hired
Blog Business CoachingPublished September 2, 2023 at %I:%M %p No CommentsDo you remember all the hopes that you used to have? All the promises that you did to yourself? What about the commitments and the energy that you used to have at every step that you did in your life?
Maybe it was not the perfect position that you were dreaming about it, all the time. Yet, it was still a beginning, a contract of freedom with promises of stability.
In all those days, have you ever lived at least one moment with the intensity of one big moment of glory? The same way, like when you have had the microphone on your own hands, and the people listening to you, didn’t care if your voice is great or not… They only wanted to listen to you.
And you have big emotions. What will you do furthermore?
You are lost in your emotions and the eyes of you audience or you chose to live the moment of glory, while it is breathing to come to life?
I have heard once a quote, saying that in life you have only very few really moments of glory. The rest is only work and dedication. Well- well maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t.
What I know for sure is that no matter what sort of situation it may be, the only thing that really counts is to be aware of the efforts that you give on return.
The same as in your first working month as an employee. You were learning a lot about how the things are going on there. Your team mates were inviting you in their group, and who knows, if they were really funny they were making all kind of jokes, in order to make you laugh and integrate you easier.
You would have stay the extra-hours, only because everything was shining, around you. And you really enjoyed to be a part of that dream world, exploring a lot, all the time.
At one time, something changed. The enthusiasm that you were having while working, started to fall-down, because of all the worries and responsibilities not well assigned.
Why today, your attitude regarding being remarked and recognized will be treated with a different kind of enthusiasm?
The stress of hearing the ringing-alarm in the morning, the lost time spent in traffic, the craving for the week-end, the work-load on the “stage”, and the long hours until you get into your comfortable bed are only some excuses.
You are the one that is giving them priority, forgetting how wonderful the all day it could be .
Definitely you can trust what I am telling you now: The applause are wonderful if you have the courage to be on the stage.