Blog Business CoachingPublished July 31, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments
… find the joy in your life! Just like in the The Bucket List. - Yeah, I know - 2 movies suggestions… well you see, the very warm summer nights have a purpose I have seen this movie last night, and I was surprised to find the same energy and trigger to action I had
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Blog Business CoachingPublished July 31, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments
I have recently watched the movie Up in the Air. Remember it? It made lots of rumor in 2009. Well, I will not be a spoiler if you haven’t seen it yet. At some point it has an interesting exercise that goes like this: „How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that
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Testimoniale Testimoniale executive coachingPublished July 31, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments
Gina Irimia - Director of Professionals & Retail Division - Libra Internet Bank There comes a moment in life when you feel the need to change, you feel like you can achieve greater results and yet there is something that keeps you from moving forward. Usually there are others to blame, such as the company
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