You - the career man

I’ve talked about an BEST attitude worth following this year. The acronym for your successful life: Money (B), Energy (E), Safety (S) and You (T), is a resource which you can use to be fulfilled and happy.

You! Because everything starts with you and everything that’s important to you.

So … Who are YOU? What makes you special, determines your ambition and helps you be successful?

How would you want to have your professional life, and what’s the reality? Are you on the right track?

I know… it happens that you sometimes go to specialty courses, training sessions, you might read a custom book and, maybe you follow motivational speakers. This in general is called development. However, leaving it aside ..are you on the right track?

We passed the question What do you do when you grow up? After an age, you will rarely find answers as astronaut, singer, magician or other similar ones. Now you keep on hearing that you have to put passion in everything you do .. that you need to love you job .. and that success depends on your willingness and courage to succeed in life. Well yes, mostly it’s true. Like talent, passion is there … and for it to grow it needs to be accompanied by hard work and dedication.

If you want to know more about how to create the relation between talent / passion vs work / dedication I recommend you the Dreams Come True Coaching for Success by Elena Căpruciu services, which help you to fulfill your dreams.