Time & Magic Wands

When I take notes that I find useful for my coaching practice, I often think how would I react if I were in the client’s shoes. Thus, I get to have new homeworks in my own learning process.

The other day I found the following question: „What if, with the power of a magic wand you would get to have up to 20% extra time… do you think that would help you in any way?”

While meditating at this bonus of time (and what I could do with it) I remember how I used to be in my early years of school. There was this one week holiday when I had to solve about 50 exercises in maths.

As any other child, I love to laugh, play and use my imagination during my holiday, therefore I had to do my homework in the last few days.

I still remember the feeling that „I can do it” in the remaining time. It was rooted in „I want to do it”, not at all in obligation or something of this kind.

Yes, my mom was the one encouraging me to get to my desk and solve my exercises, but it was my own effort and motivation who kept me going. I actually had my own rhythm: whilw working as much as possible during the day light, not forcing my eyes very much at the lamp light. I ate well, take short breaks to protect my hands and I kept on going.

Out teacher teached us to have a nice writting, clean notebooks and a technique to arrange the ideas on the page. I was so engaged that a long time I spend writting the data of the exercise, before actually solving it.

Yes… I know there are time wasters, but I do feel that some of them are also time savers. In my case, by the time I finished to write down all the data of the exercise, I already knew what was the order to reach the solution.

When there was something I could not figure out by myself, I estimated the space and moved on. At the end, I came back on my blocking points looking for examples on my notebooks or asking for my mother’s help.

This is how, on Sunday afternoon - the last day of holiday I had time for something else that homeworks.

I had to survive many „time marathons” without the help of a magic wand. I believe that when I give myself proper time to work on a task, with the intention to finish it, the entire process becomes more feasible. All this because I want to do it.

There is a great possibility that my younger version, would have used a magic wand to play some more… as most kids do. Today, I think that I would use that bonus in a more intelligent way.

But then again, how many magic wands one could have? What would happen the next time I would be in need of a magic wand? I could better work daily with the time I have, taking care of my health and being satisfied with my effort.

As time and space are concepts man made, there might exists a particular form of magic. As people grow, they can use their mind to increased capacity extending time under specific conditions and causes.

**Photo Credit: Pursuit of magic by Karly Santiago
Hourglass by Nathan Dumlao
Moment before the start by Justyn Warner